1 year ago

Happy Holidays! #FestiveNights


Felices Fiestas! #FestiveNights

Freddy and his friends wish you merry christmas and a happy new year!

Art made by me

See you in 2023!


¡Freddy y sus amigos te desean una feliz navidad y un feliz año nuevo!

Arte hecho por mi

Nos vemos en 2023!



Next up

Why...this...exist? #ImScared

Happy Birthday Pac man!

here´s a little animation of this iconic yellow fellow by @Mr_Hags (me)



Character @edu_mohe

(one of hundreds XD)

Original 3D version made by Willy Weasel



Personaje @edu_mohe

(uno de cientos XD)

Version Orginal 3D hecha por Willy Comadreja.

Wishing you all very merry Joltidays ❄️

Enter our JOLTIDAY GIVEAWAYS for a chance to win a Steam Deck, Game Jolt swag and more!

Instructions are in your Quest Log 🎁

"Bonnie is Blue or purple?"


THERE'S ONE WEEK LEFT TO ENTER JOLTIDAY GIVEAWAYS to win a Steam Deck, Game Jolt swag and more!

Get instructions in your Quest Log! 🎁

Question for @Kane

Hey Kane, I hope you´re having a good time, I have a question about myPOPGOES because i was wondering :

In the upcoming myPOPGOES could the game feature skins of the characters?, like the halloween skins!

if you want of course.

#popgoesquest #fnacquest Say Hi to this iconic duo.

POP-Goes the weasel! and CANDY-the Cat!

(...what?, too literal? ) Pixel art made by me @Mr_Hags

long night

-Neon Table-

lessons by @RamsesPinzonTrejo

(good master)


-Mesa de Neón-

lecciones por @RamsesPinzonTrejo

(buen maestro)