2 years ago

Help Wanted: Incorrect Oddities needs some help!

(Check article for more info)

People needed:

  • Vector Artist

  • Animator

  • Assistant Programmer


Vector Artist

  • Have experience in Turbo Warp (Or maybe even Scratch)

  • Must be decent at making vectors

  • Send me images of your previous work


  • Must be decent at making animations

  • Please send me a video of your previous work.

Assistant Programmer

  • Have experience in Turbo Warp

  • Must be really good in programming

  • Send me video or links to your previous work.

Those who help will be credited in Incorrect Oddities credits.


(Game Jolt) Send me a friend request and comment that your interested.

(Discord) Here's my tag: Morilix07#5307

(Scratch) https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Morilix07/



Next up

The smiling one.

Whenever I go to the FNaF category on Game Jolt there's something that always ticks me off.

I have a StrawPage now! I'll most likely use it more in the future: https://morilix07.straw.page/

Another Small Update

I am now an adult! (+ Doodle dump)

We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!

Is it true that you only have 1 character left to code in main gameplay?

I think I might have pink eye. It hurts.

Jumper's 64: The Horrors of the Pizzeria | Official Teaser Trailer

@deviousdylan is still out there! Beware!