
3 years ago

Here is some short tale for entertainment. Very short tale about "What is going on" in Gala. It is simple space shooter. Inspired by Space Invaders and Galaga.

So, alien`s anthill makes invasion into Milky way.

What is going on?


So, alien`s anthill makes invasion into Milky way. Who can say, that we are not the only one inhabitants of galaxy, which make exploration one solar system after another? Of course, nobody! No one cared about it. As maximum, it was scientist`s suppositions about alien species, but who cares? Nobody! Theories? Nonsense!

Saying the truth, everything is not so bad. Because desire to make better war arsenal was all the time, and not disappeared. So, it can be said, that by the time of invasion, everything was prepared. Space ships, striking avengers, rockets, everything was prepared. Also it was experience to have a space war with our own kind. But, nobody was prepared, that some kind insects will fly to our border. They flew by themselves, by the way. Some kind of strange insects, ants, bugs.


Strange, because of they cannot achieve this level on any of known planets. And here they go. But, as I say, everything was prepared. Except that, probable adversary was a big surprise! Bugs! Ants! But, this is no jokes. Stop jokes. Just go to the fighter avenger and forward!

By the way, does anybody try to speak with them? Maybe! But, who knows, how to speak with ant or bug.

Fighting in open space requires some master level. It is hard thing. It is task for real ace. Or for pilot-novice. Ace becomes, only if you already become as a starting level. So, enough having talks. It is small talks. No talks with you! I need to fly on this ship to another base.



Next up

Green space flying ship

My green space flying ship is breaking though space area with a great mad power. It reminds form of triangle. And equipped with rockets. It has two engines, left and right. For maneuvers it helps a lot.

Fourth stage rally

Three dimensional scene for today based on videogame Colin MC Rae Rally for game system PC Windows 98. Cool racing! By the way, I play two parts of these games. And they are funny and arcade!

Gala New Year – about development

So, I go back to development of videogame Gala New Year. It is arcade space shooter in space. About space and a New Year. So, New Year here is even more main theme than space.

Serenade For You

Basic Pascal version 1.16 TRIA – Release Day! R-Day!

Congratulations! Little positive funny moment! Second plan about to programming new games with Basic is done. Plan has a name TRIA! And this is after the title of the first game in this plan.

made a foxy mask :P


One more pack with images about pictures to the arcade game GALA. GALA – it is retro sci fi arcade shooter. Retro space!

Graph of Ufoids

For the videogame Gala, I have made many pictures. In retro resolution. And I say it is a pack of wallpapers. And, saying the truth, it is like everything, that I am doing – it is retro.

Bros smooth with it

Ant Lion

Space is not so empty as it looks. And it has rather intelligence ants and insects. They are enough intelligence to develop space ships. They are strange. And they have their own behaviors, that humans cannot understand.