Common name: Aqua ghoul
Scientific name: Paraponera exspiravit
DESC: The aqua ghoul has baffled many since its discovery, but thanks to some testing and close monitoring it has a lot more information on it. The aqua ghoul is in fact not a ghost in any sort of way, but is instead most closely related to bullet ants. When young this creature is a pen sized, crimson, six legged ant like creature with tentacles on its back that connect to a thin white membrane that acts like a parachute for the creature. When it finds its target, the bones of dead animals, it will head to a skull or rib cage and secrete a sticky oil that binds the membrane to the bone. Then it will become the shape you see above!

Common name: Draggie
Scientific name: varanus pluma-fusione
DESC: The draggie is a small iguana sized lizard that is closely related to monitor lizards like the komodo dragon. It has a mix of feathers and scales that cover its entire body (The grey parts being scales and the white ones being feathers) It has an organ located next to its throat called a cooling tube, that it uses during hunting. The creature will close its throat and force water into the cooling tube, then it will chill the water and spit it out as ice or mist attacks. It also has wings that let it take flight!

Common name: Knighted cod
Scientific name: Gadus arthur
DESC: The knighted cod is a species of cod that is very special and located in the seas of the water kingdom. The knighted cod has a specialized skull that is incredibly dense and hard to injure, alongside special fins that make it very fast. It was called the knighted cod due to its sword like horn and the appearance of having armor. Due to how thick the skull needs to be in order for it to pierce its prey like a harpoon, it has lost a lot of space for its brain. In funnier terms, these guys have the IQ of a single grape.

Common name: Magma Turkey
Scientific name: Meleagris Hephaestus
DESC: The magma turkey is a relative to the wild turkey. These creatures other then having big puffy tails, bright fiery colors, and a slightly bigger size, these creatures also have something that set them apart from normal turkeys: This is a bowl sized organ located near the stomach called the ¨Burning gizzard¨ This organ produces a natural, flammable liquid that it uses when hunting. This creature will open its organ to have that liquid mix with its stomach acid. It will spit it out as a fiery ball.