Thanks to you ALL for following the game and whatnot, your continued patience means the world to me, so I think at the very least I owe you an explanation on what's going on.
In short: Other Projects, and life. Is this an excuse to keep you all in the dark for this long? No, not really. And I apologize for that.
But essentially I am the only person working on this game, its an entirely solo project (Until it comes to stuff like playtesting and balance, atleast.), Which obviously slows things down when I'm needed (Or feel like I'm needed) for other things I work on. Life in general, while comfortable, is still all over the place. I'm looking into various mental health situations which of course slow down development.
Finally - Motivation. I still love FNaTI, I don't think there will be a point in time where I don't, but motivation and love for a series fluctuates. Alongside Pirate caverns being as big as an undertaking as it is.
Also, finding generic mob battle music? A pain, really.
And of course theres the elephant in the room, the remake, 6.5, whatever you want to call it. I'm not going to spend forever retexturing the entire game because of it, but I'll have to account for it somehow, right?
Not really actually. If I do end up making a sequel to this game, I figure I can adress 6.5 quite comfortably, so don't worry about that.
As I said before, your continued patience means the world to me. And I thank you so so much!