Just to make things perfectly clear here: I do NOT support Michael Jackson as a person, or even just at all. I like his music, and that’s it. I believe in separating art from the artist, and I want to let it be known that I only drew this for my personal use/fulfillment. I would never financially support him in any case, even if the stuff he did wasn’t true. I am making this artwork as a way of paying tribute to the music he made, NOT the person he actually was. The way he acted towards kids was gross, uncomfortable, and frankly just disgusting, if not absolutely criminal. Even if the claims made against him weren’t actually true, the sheer official fact that he DID invite children (who were not even his) to his home and got WAY too close for comfort should set off more than enough red flags. I sympathize only with his sad childhood upbringing, and nothing else. With that being said, please try to look at this artwork from the lens of TheLegend87 as a display of genuine artistic expression, not as a celebration of a creep/weirdo. Please like the artwork as it exists on its own without any relation to the idea/personality of Michael Jackson. This is simply just me drawing the IDEA of the song he created, and I don’t plan on giving ANY type of credit to what he made or did. I am simply only displaying the artwork I made, the original picture for comparison, and the fact that this is just an honest-to-God separation from Michael. The evils he did should not prevent you from liking his music, which can (and should) be removed from himself. Music is something that transcends the person who makes it. Albums like Off the Wall or Thriller shouldn’t be associated with Michael Jackson but with their own individual impact. If you still want to listen to his music, please do so in a way that does not directly support him financially. Pirate his songs if you have to. His estate shouldn't get a single damn penny. I profusely apologize if this artwork made you uncomfortable due to its nature, I NEVER want that to happen with my art as a whole, no matter the subject I’m depicting. If people do not like this artwork and want me to delete it, I will absolutely do so without hesitation. Art doesn’t mean anything compared to the real victims who suffered from Michael. I give their families my full support and condolences. For those of you who do not know the things Michael did, here is a very detailed summary (made in 2019) from the verifiable news site Vanity Fair. Just as a warning though, the topics described in the article are quite disturbing, viewer discretion is advised: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/03/10-undeniable-facts-about-the-michael-jackson-sexual-abuse-allegations.
Thank you for reading this, and I hope that you enjoy the artwork I created, as is depicted in my own way. I am fully ready to take the blame if this ends up having the opposite effect. You have every right to speak your frustrations with me. In short, I wanted to remove a monster from beauty and make it into my own image. Michael's songs aren't his own anymore, we own them now; they're conjured from our imaginations and blessed with the meaning we choose to instill in them. Ignore the weirdo who originated it, and interpret this drawing in a way that gives it its own identity, so that future generations can understand its meaning in a healthy, separate way.