Lina's AppleTree Babies
3 days ago

Hey Everyone! It's raining a lot right now but right before it rained I took some pictures of my Baby AppleTrees. I have some bad information and some good information about my Trees and I'm making this post because I can't post the photos yet

I can't post the photos yet because my phone is charging and I took the photos with my moms phone which therefore means I had to send the photos to me and then I have to either make a post from my phone or send the photos to me again from phone to pc.

Now to the News about my Trees ^^"

Good news! I'm pretty sure Clear got bigger ^^ and Faline, Stumpos and Tree3 all look good too ^^

Now to the Bad news..

I still don't know where Stickers.. Tree7/8/9 also still don't show any sign of life other then Mushrooms and Tree5 looks Horrorble! and Idk why I just hope that tomorrow she will look better, I don't want him or any of the others dying after all..



Next up

Made 1 Picture Today ^^

I hope this is good because I didn't really look at it ^^"

It's so freaking warm today and I have a few drawing ideas I wanna try and Draw that are pretty much all about me lul. Me and the Days

Guess who I'm reworking!

The heads a little wonky but I think I can make it work, I probably should have also made the butt a little bigger ^^" you see her body is EVERY Modified, and none the less I gave her a belly lul

I went out and made some photos for y'all


don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

now that my phone all charged up, have the photos I tryd to shoot interestingly to make the post seem more interesting and get more people interested in my little project

When I remember or someone reminds me I edited this post later today

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

See a lot more clothes then before ^^" uhm so the OG design had a skirt, the new one had pants, but I liked the skirt more ^^" + the idea of her is to be a Smexy Betch

I do feel like I have to work on the drawing a bit more. But for now it seems okay ^^"

My plant babies UwU

all looking good other then pot 4....

So! I repoted them into smaler pots with the correct dirt in it since the dirt that was in that pot before was dirt nothing extra in it other then air stuff for plants

100% not for my Trees

Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens?

Remember when I wrote that I repotted pot5 a bit shirtless, yeah that's me lul XD only wearing my sports bra because I'm in my garden meaning I can do what I want. If I want to walk around butt free I'm free to do so lul (I'm german)