AGONY - Chapter 2
9 months ago

Hey, I just recently patched a little issue that prevented the player from turning their light on/off during enemy transitions. Should be fixed. Enjoy the game, I will be joyous if the page gets 100 follows before 24. Have a great day everyone!



Next up

New thumbnail made by @Joaopedrovilas

How Is The New Redesign For The Fnaf Scratch Commuity?

Working on the bossfight now! I will have to take a break for summer camps soon, but I will get back on development in the fall and release the game by this October, hopefully. Stay tuned, and follow the gamepage. We're almost at 50!

Gameplay screenshot yippee!

I’m not dead

Me gustó el resultado que está tomando (el lag es por mi PC al grabar jajajaj)

Hello chat. Follow this game.