So, these fnaf fan games are:
Fazbear Nightmare
Five nights at Thomas
Five nights at Rachel's
Five nights at Froggy
Five nights at Hunter (this is the only fan game in this list which was released in 2023)
So, me and Catherine are looking for animators
She can draw backgrounds and maybe a little of animations, but of course we need animators that can animate Sonic characters / FNAF animatronics
It will be good if this creating of this animation will be ended at 16th December, I'll explain later why
So, if you have these skills as an animator
we need animators that can animate Sonic characters / FNAF animatronics
Please write in comments on this post, I will friend you and will decided how we gonna work
Still animation won't be long, I can even say it mostly will be around 1 minute
I hope it won't be hell hard work, so as I said, we'll be happy of help!
I know I look like a geek, but let's be honest