3 months ago

hi everyone, i've finished this #pixelart a few days ago, but i forgot to publish it xd so here you got it!

Pd: happy Valentine's Day :D



Next up

hi everyone, i'm in my home again so i've make this pixel art background. probably i'm gonna add background to my pixel art finally so i have a "upgrade" on my artist level lol.

PD: my next art will be a Valentine's day pixel art so see you soon

hello, here is the Valentine's day pixel art, i think it looks very good so tell me your opinion in the comments!

hi everyone, sorry for the inactivity, i've been busy with the school. i'll try to be more active this week, and also just to mention it.. today's my birthday! i'm gonna make a pixel art about it so see you soon.

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

hi everyone, new pixel art background, i'm still learning about it so here's the result!

hi everyone, i've made more faces for one of the new characters of #undercraft, i'll work more on these so that's all, see you soon.

hello everyone! i've got a new #song from #undercraft! this is the game over song and it's a #remix from the original song of #undertale so here you got it!

pd; now i will start with the #ValentinesDay #pixelart lol


hello everyone, i've made this #PvZ #pixelart and this time I made a more elaborate background, you can tell me your suggestions in the comments