Chaos Shooter
3 years ago

Hi, here some new stuff:

- sound when red enemy shoots
- sound when orange Enemy spawns particles

- Game Over Screen with the waves survived and ability to retry or return to the Menu

I've also added an real-time online leaderboard (no Game Jolt needed)!



Next up

Hi, I've worked on the orange splitting enemy. It now spawns the particles in a circle which is A LOT better. I can tell you, it makes already quite fun to playtest the game :). I've also added sounds when an enemy dies. Now I'm working on mobile controls

Wow, 100 Followers already? Thank you guys so much for your support! :D

Hi, I've had some issues with the shader but now I fixed it and this is how it looks now. I will fix some bugs and make some improvements before the game will come into the alpha phase! Then I will also release a small demo.


Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Hey, here is a small clip which shows the random dungeon generation and the (finally) finished Kill-All-Enemies-To-Proceed-System. I will of course improve it by adding new enemies and I also want to increase the size of the rooms.


Short video on the progress of our game♥

Hi, here is a small teaser where the game is now! :)


What the hell??

Hey @gamejolt , if you see this, could you maybe make it that the mission notifications don't stack? Thank you :D

Hey, remember when I said that I'm starting to work on an rpg-game? Now my friend joined me to help with some sprites and this is how it currently looks (still need to add animation to knight):


discord: https://discord.gg/VjhMZt355t