Hey, thanks for reading in! The likes i've been receiving has helped me to continue having hopes and continuing working in this project.... Thanks to you for reading this! You don't know how greateful i am! Anyways... Today's devlog.
Something that you probaly didn't know is that the game runs only at 30 fps... and that make the game sometimes be really unsatisfactory to se something moving and isn't really that fluid :/ To counter it i added an option in the menu that actualy puts the game in 60 fps... still need some ajustments, but improves the game quality significantly!
I improved the inventory system, now there is 3 slots, two for usables, and the top one for the equipable one with an passive ability! and with that i remade the itens sprites, now they look alot more pleasing... (But still far from good lol). I will need to remake them sometime soon...
And for last (but not less important) I've made an minigame, That you need to do to unlock certain doors. I've made this so that the gameplay isn't just walking around and getting stuff to put in other places... Make the game more ""diversified with content"", if you know what i mean.
ANYWAYS... Things i will do next is to actualy put the minigames inside the game, being accessible by painels around certain parts of the map.
bruh... i need to post devlogs more often.
Note: If you have any advice or just want to say something in the comments, fell free to do it! i'd like to hear more from you all!
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