Kingdom of Raywin

5 years ago

How to make progress!

I have a loose plan for moving forward.

On my website I now have a funding thingy. You can, if you so wish, support the project in a financial way.

The hope is to raise enough money to upgrade to Game Maker Studio 2 and consintue development as before. I know this isn't a hige amount of money but I am experiencing some severe financial issues at the moment and the cost of the upgrade is simply more than I can afford.

Any excess we can raise will go towards time off work to focus on the project to speed up development and expanding the team.

It has to be said that, in the time since I've been able to work on this project, my desperation to get back to it has grown massively. I can't wait to play this game.

If you feel like chipping in, you can do so here:

I will find some kind of in-game reward for those of you who donate- probably including early access to the game when it's playable.



Next up

Oh it's happening now!

Taking its time, but not forgotten...

Just fixed a major memory leak issue and added a forest to the office building. This game will be... abstract.

Raywin running on Mac...

Things are moving ahead wonderfully! It is now possible to login with your GameJolt details (or go to the GameJolt sign up page in a new tab if you need to)

Keep up on Trello if you like:

That typo has been there the whole time, hasn't it? Staring me in the face...

"Despite everything. It's still you..." -A different game

Does the pale man ever blink??

Join us on Discord:

Wishlist on Steam:

Further to my last article- the mail system is indeed broken.

Going Down is now on Steam! If you like what you've seen so far, we'd appreciate a cheeky Wishlist!