4 years ago


The Alien Skater game is out!
I started making this game about 3~4 years ago, just for fun, and now it's finally done.
I am in love with the result and hope you all like it too!



Next up

You might have heard yesterday, 09/12/2023, that Unity made some ~tiny little changes~ on their pricing plans...

I feel so dumb everytime I'm trying to open UVs and bake materials 😵‍💫 Why is it so complicated? Anyway, here's a little old radio model I'll be using in my horror game!


Already planned your new year resolutions? If you wanna start the year with some good resources, I've posted my A5 planner pages on Kofi, so that you can review your year and months! Go check it out!

#Printable #Kofi #Planner #Bujo

"Ui, chavoso, meia na canela"

Dei um tapa no visual do mandrake mais bala da minha coleção de desenhos, agora com pisantes novos e juliet espelhadão. O lek é presença 🙅‍♂️

Versão de 2024 // versão de 2017 ------- EN: Redraw of a piece I made back in 2017!

I had some kind of logo for my personal brand in mind and designed this piece for it, but I think it turned out to be *a little* overdetailed. Anyway, I'm in love with this art piece and maybe I'll use it for something else someday! #Illustration

So I finally decided on a name for my horror game and created a cover for it! I'll be working hard on it this year so I can release the game by december! #GameDev #UnityDev #Horror #IndieGameDev

A little late for valentines day, but here's a love potion for this month! #illustration #digitalart

Yup, I'm still working on this game. I'm making everything (code, modelling, texturing, etc) all by myself, and it's super hard! Also, keeping a full time job doesn't make it any easier x_x But I'm loving the results so far! What do you think?

A piece of scenario from my game, inspired by the Eternal Ballroom, from the Backrooms. WIP

#GameDev #IndieGame #Render #HorrorGame #Backrooms

Some beer and wine labels I'll be using on the bottles on my game so they don't look *too* generic. I'm loving the Drunken Sailor one!

#IndieGame #Unity #Design