I finally got the boat working, now you can explore the Underworld and discover all the secrets and hidden Easter eggs... Will you dare?
Next up
Optimizing Crumbling World Hello everyone! I was working on a promising improvement that has the potential to optimize the performance of Crumbling World, especially when it comes to running the game on low-end computers and mobile devices.
🎮 Testing out the new distraction mechanic and fine-tuning the enemy AI's hearing in Lobo! Now you can throw objects to mislead enemies and sneak through more strategically.
Overview of the aiming & shooting system in Lobo:
1️⃣ No target: Stronger blur effect
2️⃣ Target out of range: Red distance indicator + focus
3️⃣ Target in range: Crosshair UI animates & distance indicator turns white
Hello everyone! My game Crumbling World is 80% off for Halloween! Grab it on Steam for less than $3.
Hi everyone! This is a small patch that fixes a bug in the Unique Enemies spawner. Thanks so much for keep reporting bugs and issues. I appreciate it very much!
Save And Load System Hello everyone! Over the last week, I have been creating the save and load system, which will allow users to save their progress and continue the game where they left off after stepping away.