2 years ago

I change might be coming to the tnat series

So there’s a change to the tnat series that I’m thinking about making which is instead of making the art in scratch make the art in ibis paint reason I wanna make this change is because I don’t have models of all the characters I only have models of Thomas Edward Henry Gordon James percy Toby duck Oliver Donald Douglas bill and Ben and then I know some of you will say well make models of the other engines well I’m not good at making scratch models and yes I know I’m not the best at drawing but I’d say I’m better at drawing then i am making scratch models and if I actual draw the characters and assets in ibis paint I can do more with the series like how I said @nightmarealex303 had the idea for a tnat game about the narrow gauge engines and then I had the idea to replace the toy animatronics in tnat 2 with the narrow gauge engines which I can’t do that if I use scratch to make the art but if I use ibis paint and actually draw I can so that’s why I’m thinking about doing this tell me what you guys think of this change that like I said might be coming



Next up

molly but with lipstick on

they do indeed have drip

josh with luigi's hat on

(because i felt like doing this)


The Pain... Is Never Ending....

(oswald but emily version)


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

so since ya'll think she looks good

ami with makeup on is now canon!

zack fast asleep

Rat Race Production Update

i kinda hope one day someone makes a revival of fnas 1R here