2 years ago

I ended up getting another commission and I'm happy with the results. This was a paid commission. Only $10 cause of the fact that it's two flags! If you want anything commissioned give me a legit thing you want and I'll answer!! #paidcommisionsonly



Next up


Wanted to make him gay with a toadstool hat and finally had motivation for it

I ended up getting another commission! Thank you too the person on discord who did this! I'm upping my prices because of inflation and my phone bill. This one was $30 ^^ yes a full 30 because of what it included! #paidcommisions

Edit: THEY TIPED $20!!

I'm proud of this 🀌

Pride art speaks to me πŸ’…

This was a commission I had for $30 and the tipped me $20. The money went to my phone bill and money I owed my mom. Thank you to WhatIsChain on discord for your wonderful commission!

Suma :))

Pride month art 2/12

My cat Minnie ^^

The Iron Bull is a party member and spy featured in Dragon Age: Inquisition who was voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr.

Writer Patrick Weekes confirmed that The Iron Bull is pan back in 2014.

As a Floridian I can tell you. This is true and I died laughing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

But in all seriousness stay safe if you live in Florida.

Edit: no offense to anyone who likes imagine dragons I like it too?

Edit: the governor is concerned πŸ˜ƒ

He's a dumbass πŸ’…

Eye shadow tutorial on how I do it not really trying but I wanted to do ut


Here's my mc screenshots. I know I'm late and won't get the rewards but I wanted to show off my build! If you want to see more follow! It's a mushroom cottage core home cause I'm really into mushroom asthetics rn-