3 years ago

I'm posting this using a browser I made in unreal engine, no joke. 100% real,

(I'm changing my password after this, I don't trust this)



Next up

Widget interaction componet deciding to be an asshole. (Edit: Great... Xplit just broke... lovely...)

I have a folder on my computer called fun, and i've just realized that it's contents basically sum up the previous 4-5 months.

Also gotta love how the engine includes the right steamworks sdk, but then tries to pull from a different version.

A custom time control system for #UnrealEngine. Footage shows all time slowed down, then later only Enemy & Environment time slow being toggled.

Time can be categorized and put into a hierarchy for an unlimited level of control. #gamedev

Out of the recent project loss, this was what I have been able to salvage, and half of it isn't even my code. (Most of it isn't even actual code, mostly just materials and huds, nothing that will really speed this up)

Having fun debugging bullet impacts to dynamically change VFX and SFX based on the surface. 🎯💥

Turn on 🔊

#GameDev #UnrealEngine #IndieGameDev #LoboGame

Teardown with mods is fucking awesome.

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the curtains of reality