Sydneys story (a fnaf fangame)

2 years ago

I made the second room! I want to do a cutscene but have no idea and Google won’t help… if you have experience please tell me how the hell to do that, or at least make my own particles.. for springlocking. Thank you!!!

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Injustice chonk injustice chonk

By yours truly in art class

Drawing vs the inspiration:


I am so close to finishing this short fnaf fangame… if all goes smoothly release is probably going to be on Wednesday this coming week! I will also be giving out early releases to several people who have asked! Thank you all!

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Have you played the Rose & Locket demo yet? It's always good to hear people's thoughts on the game so far


One week, a lot of mental breakdowns and countless hours later… Sydney’s story is over! (The ending is a bit interesting I will say.. or horrible Idk)

Release for everyone should be on Wednesday! Thank you all!

Just finished room 4! Coding enemies now! Idk when this will be done but it’s not going to be a long project I promise! :)

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HMMMMMMM… (if you know you know)