I apologize for not announcing this sooner but I and the other developers have completely moved away from this project.
If it has not been obvious enough, SUB has not been getting any substantial progress made to it over the years and even though me, as well as the other developers, have tried to revive it, it is impossible with the current situations we are or have been in.
When I first started this back in 2015, I was a Smash Bros fanatic as well as a huge Undertale fan, but I was very inexperienced with game developing (not to mention much too young to handle a game that would eventually have 6,000 followers) and just made this as more of a joke project than an actual one. I never expected it to grow as big as it did which I am very thankful for but at the same time, I know that I have let over 6,000 people down by failing to deliver and by making this announcement.
However, I am very open to a fan of the game who is experienced with leading and developing not only the game but the community surrounding it. If you think you are fit, send me a friend request (I do not read Discord DMs) and we will talk privately.
With that being said, SUB will not ever be worked on by me again. Though I know I have let many people down, I hope someone will be able to pick this project back up and get it on its feet.