One Week at Splinky's: COLLECTION
8 months ago

I've been wanting to make this post for a very long time, so here it is. A lot of stuff will get changed when development of OWaS 1 will return. Read the article for some of the things that will be changed.

-The lighting will get updated to be a lot more realistic
-Some rooms will PROBABLY get some changes.
-The entire cast will be remodeled, since the current models are grouped in a way that makes it a pain to animate them + the current one's don't look very good.
-The current title screen will receive very small changes.
-A new, kinda harmless character named Duru (who's a duck) will be added.
Oh, and here's some extra stuff that aren't related to OWaS 1:
-The page will get a big change in the future.
-The page will most likely get renamed to One Week at Splinky's: Collection.
-OWaS Anniversary Edition has been scrapped.

Thx for reading! :D

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TLDR: Remember to stay cool B)

Here's a remastered version of the 1st ever teaser for OWaS 1. I made this new ver since the model for Shadow Splinky got a very small change.

Welcome to Freddy's Playful Diner! We hope you will enjoy your stay here.

I just wanna say that all of the characters have been edited, all of the mechanics have been planned out and the story is also fully finished! I just need to make a bit more text assets and then I'll code more of the game. Have a preview of G. Freddy!

This is now out! Dunno why I made this but uh ye have it.

Five Nights at Sonic's [V.2.0] | Review⭐