Megaman Ancients

2 years ago

I've been workin hard on concept art for the environments. I also scrapped the Quarry and Mines areas, would've been cool but turned out to be too much work long-term :[



Next up

I haven't fallen off of this project! Totally the opposite, I saw how little I really knew about making art so I've been learning to draw/paint. I've also been working on concept art for the game :D Here's some of the recent stuff I've done:

Now that combat's going in a fun direction, it's time to pick back up on the environments. This is my first time doing concept design so it might take a little while longer than I first thought. Maybe 2 months till all the environments + combat are done

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#steam #uniduni #clops #screenshotsaturday

Update 2.627

New challenges & new effects!

Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname

OK, this starts to be too tricky puzzle already :D

#platformer #indiegame #puzzle

Some time ago, we posted a screenshot of the Mexico level. A curiosity about it is that, like some other scenarios of the game, it was inspired by a real landscape, The Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla. It is one of the natural wonders of the country!

The Authority decided to investigate the Basement and leads to recovering classified documents Fun fact: The building has 928 doors and not 1000 doors. #horror

Got some fun collectibles in our game, Path of Kami!

It's old and it glows. Experience the nostalgic tile-matching puzzle game in it's new glory!

Game :

ColorTris gameplay - Peach squares


Music :…