1 month ago

I've heard about what happened today. Game Jolt is collabing with NFTs. Very unacceptable shit. By the day I heard Game Jolt constantly prove they aren't a good platform anymore.

I generally don't get why y'all stayed on here. The site you've joined isn't here anymore. Hasn't been for nearly half a year. I feel like I need to bring attention to this problem. To which I might someday. Game Jolt is too far gone and things need to be addressed.

Welp time to log off this hell of a site and do something about it. Until we meet again, Morilix07



Next up

Having fun! Before I go eat I just wanna say it's been really great for me during my time off this site. Some of you may know this already but I wanna let some of y'all who are stuck on this site know.

Hey everyone following Daylen_ did you know your following a groomer/ pedophile and that Daylen_ spent those 6 months on the internet? Don't believe me? Check the article.

It's crazy to think that next year I'm going to turn 18. It feels like yesterday that I was 14. Time flies so fast that in a blink of an eye you can miss it. Remember that.

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Hey y'all I just made this brand smacking new community but I dunno what to do with it lol. https://gamejolt.com/c/CheckCommunityImage-e8r8pd


Good job @gamejolt ! Taking down the posts about a groomer being on your site instead of the actual groomer! You deserve a promotion!

Me and some others right now confronted Real again about his actions during that time where he sent NSFW to a 12 year old and 3 others including not being remorseful nor taking accountability for his actions.