Escape From Guha

2 years ago

I've joined Brackeys Game Jam 2022 and here are some shots from the game



Next up

VimJam 3 is over, I can go back to this game. Here are some shots showing latest updates.

Vimena is being haunted by creatures from Guha. This is my entry for today's #Joltober2023 whose prompt is Haunted.

 VimJam3 has started so I'm going to leave this game for couple days. However here are some screenshots of what I've done recently.

More progress on the glitch samurai

Alright, the updated version has been uploaded here. Here are some shots from the game:

Enjoy this short cool game!

Luigi's Mixed Mansion

My steampunk game is progressing well . It has one time shops which are shown in these shots:

This game has spinoff called Raider & Reaper. I'm updating the latter to implement features which didn't make it into the game before.

Here are shots from the update:

Hand studies in pixels


Years ago I made a fighter whose abilities were inspired from Street Fighter 2 characters. This is one of them which is Blanka's shocking ability.