2 months ago

Idea for Sushi bridge or sum

(Was for a challenge)



Next up


Experimenting ig

Originally it was for 'art weeklies' but Wifi was hating me so I couldn't be online much

Then I forgor about the drawing cuz I was salty my Wifi didnt work

So yeah, have a grocery store dude

(I'll try to be earlier this time frl💀)

"An innocent smile doesn't equal an innocent soul. "

-Braincell nr. 4

More progress on the glitch samurai

His opps done pushed him into the body-deforming pixel-puddle 😔✊

Hand studies in pixels

My marker game's seriously lacking ✊

(Tho the process was pretty phun!)

Been mainly traditional, just edited the background a bit and gave it a heavier outline ✍

#MostFearedMob I don't see how pixellated monsters and blobs are scary

Sure some are annoying but with taking caution and having a long-range weapon I've always been good


Doodle with some inspiration of the last drawing

Also drawing without an outline actually goes hard ngl