I’m planning a list of coverings for The Dreg, after that, I’ll start hiring people to help with development.
So far I have ideas for…
New levels
Right now, the only level I have a 100% idea on is “Don’t Make a Sound”.

Lobby/Lobbies & Bosses
Each level of the game except for the 1st will represent the boss of each floor and their faction within destiny lore.
The ruins of the Almighty, A.K.A. The Entrance(Name is due to change.), will be the floor where the player shall also take on the first boss, the Unstoppable Ogre, I feel like this specific character represents Pepperman’s bossfight well. Although my plans for the total gameplay style for bosses will not be totally on par with Pizza Tower’s, it will still some how, somewhat, represent that first boss
Mechanics/Level “Gimmicks”
Pizza Tower is nothing without its silly transformations. Although I haven’t thought on the mechanics of each level yet, I will have new and old mechanics show in the game.
As I said earlier, bossfights are not going to be the same as Pizza Tower. I decided that I wanted to take a different approach at it, to give the game a sense of identity.
So instead of the usual way bosses are done in Pizza Tower, all five bosses in the Dreg will be played like a Smash Bros. Match, kind of.
The player will have a move set that can be used to tackle the boss, same with the other side, movement and survival will be a more important factor than patience and strategy.
As the player moves across the decently increased stage, the camera will adjust to fit the boss and the player in the screen.
A damage counter will show for both the player and the Boss, the boss and player starts at 100% HP. Dealing damage will decrease the counter until it hits 0%, then the boss will enter the second phase, and the boss will apply its second phase mechanic (which will not be touched on until necessary).
Time is a new part of the boss levels, if the clock hits zero, the Ceremonial Bather, A.K.A. The Pizzaface mechanic for levels and now bosses, will follow the player around on foot, either until the players is caught and game ended, or if they manage to defeat the boss. This will possibly be a deciding factor with rankings.
Enemies upon the Almighty is still a thought in process, for the time being, the idea is to have Cabal litter the ship, with each flood having a mix of its own factions, being fallen, hive, vex, taken & scorn.
The ceremonial bather, WILL be replacing Pizzaface in the levels and bosses, since lore-wise, Calus can not fight the player in a near-death state.
the bather will not fly through walls, yet, chase the player through the level, as they make their escape, although the boss can jump down some sections of levels, it would be at least 3-5 section cross.
Escape Sequence
There isn’t much to talk about here, other than the inclusion of lap 3. However, in the future, the game may or may not be able to be lapped a total of 11 times. With a whole new rank that requires the most intense and time consuming skill possible. That’s for the future of this possible series.
Music-wise, yes, I am going to 100% look for people to make music and audio for The Dreg.
Final Message
Although the multitude of information and ideals for the game is a lot, I don’t believe that I can accomplish everything alone, my consistency with drawing, the amount of things I have to take on, ADHD being a strong aspect of focusing on the games that I so hopefully want to make, and even the thought that simply just being a leader and not contributing to the project overwhelms me.
I need help, a lot of help, I don’t even know most of the things about modding, composing, coding, heck, I can’t even figure my own computer out sometimes.
However, I’m committed to doing just about anything it takes to do this, so I will take any advice, get any help I need (be kind though.), and will take as much time out of my days as I have to to make this game work.
If you want to ever ask to help with The Dreg, or even TERMINATION, if that’s what you want to help with, dm me on discord, I’m down to amend roles in development.

Hopefully we can make this game a reality.
until next time!