Hey there, reader who probably just found this by pure luck!
ASTRASTONE, right? Pretty cool game, yeah, I've seen like, two screenshots of it. Looks nifty. A little boring though. Kinda wacky sprites.
It's basically been revamped in it's entirety?
Yeah, that's right. ASTRASTONE has been redone from the ground up in practically every aspect aside from, y'know, cast and plot. So, uh, take everything you have stored of the way this game looks in your mind out of there and ask for a refund, because NONE of it is accurate anymore!
(Aside from designs!)
So, uh... basically, what I'm trying to say is...
I've remade almost every sprite, and a lot of "game design" things have been changed. The battle UI among other UIs are entirely different now, and the code was mostly reworked when I first uploaded the engine devlog.
Like, for example, Camil's home!
...And, obviously, um. Camil himself. His sprite is different too.

See! Look at him! Little guy! Little dude! He's going to commit some crimes! Hell yeah!!!!!!
Oh, and, as for the Battle Interface, well... no spoilers yet, but here's a little sneak-peek.
(That reveals absolutely nothing lol)

That's all there really is to it, honestly. Think of this devlog as more of an... intermission. Yeah. That's what I'll call it. An "Intermission".
These'll be used as a little progress report that tell you what's been going on with the project as a whole rather than the direction of the game. Devlogs are for major things, these are for minor things like this.
Devlog - Report card
Intermission - Progress report
Well, uh... that's really all I wanted to talk about with this devlog, so, yeah. That's where I'm at with this project right now! Hopefully you enjoyed reading despite this being relatively short!
Have a good day, even if it's night!