Just Keep Running

1 year ago


Chapter 2 of Just Keep Running is now available for you all to play!

Read more if y’all want more details about the game and what changes we’ve made.

#update #major #action #platformer #jkr




This update brings you a brand new Chapter in the Main Campaign, and a total of 5 NEW LEVELS, one of which isn’t part of the main campaign.


Spinnin’ Security Bot

You’ll come across new obstacles like Lasers and Disintegration Panels, and there’s a brand new enemy as well, the Security Bots.


Changes to Level 1-1

We’ve reworked the 1-1 tutorials to be (hopefully) much better at teaching the game’s mechanics. We’ve also reworked and optimized Story Messages, the Pick-Up system, enemy detection, and vision cones, and we’ve also squashed A LOT of bugs.


Vision Cone added to Roof Turrets and Security Bots

And we’ll keep on updating and adding more to the game in Early 2024 thanks to a lot of useful feedback we’ve gotten from our playtesters. Thanks by the way to everyone who playtested Chapter 2! The ones who I know have given us great feedback and engaged with the game the most have been credited wherever possible.😀

You will hopefully soon be able to download and stream the Chapter 2 soundtrack sometime in January 2024!

Click the heart to learn more about the initiative.

We also want to remind you all that we recently announced the I.M.I.Self Hope Initiative!

The I.M.I.Self Hope Initiative is our way of giving back to those in need. Starting January 5th, every other month on the Friday of the first week, we plan to give back 20% of our net income to a humanitarian charity of our choice.

The first charity we’re planning on giving to is Anera, which is currently providing hot meals, hygiene kits, cleaning services, psychological support, and health clinics in Gaza and the West Bank, whose civilians are being actively displaced and killed in the Israel-Hamas war.

We will make announcements whenever we donate and if any changes are made to the initiative. You can read more about the initiative and check our donation reports here!

Full Changelog

[2.0.0] - 2023-12-21


  • NEW CAMPAIGN: Chapter 2: Six Feet Under

    • 2-1: Extreme Testing Scenarios

    • 2-2: New Age Technology

    • 2-3: The Pincer Movement

    • 2-4: Elevator Pitch


    • ML-2: Test Scene_Chapter 2

  • NEW Enemy Type Added: Security Bots

  • NEW Obstacles Added

    • Laser Emitter

    • Disintegration Panel

  • Added setting to adjust the size of Story Messages.

  • Added camera shake to 1-3 explosion scene.

  • Added Vision Cone to Roof Turrets.


  • 1-1

    • Reworked Stage 4 so that new players have to learn how to properly wallrun to beat it

    • Stage 4 tutorials reworked to explain better how to Wallrun (S/O to Robin for assisting heavily here!)

    • Reworked Stage 5 to make it easier for newer players to beat

    • Renamed “Prison Food” object to “Food Tray”

  • 1-2

    • Modified “cursedmax.jpg” secret due to copyright concerns

  • 1-4

    • Adjusted door to be in the same orientation as it is in 2-1

  • Story Messages adjusted to be smaller than before, and now zoom towards the screen rather than away.

  • The “Sandbox” level’s soundtrack now uses the extended version found on the official soundtrack release.

  • The “Sandbox” level now has Keypads that can be used to practice typing in code combinations.

  • Alarm Lights' sounds are now more occluded and have a smaller range.

  • Adjustments and optimizations made to FMOD. There should be fewer audio issues and delays.

  • Optimized Pick-up/Interaction System: It should now be easier to interact with smaller objects, especially in movement, and small picked-up objects snap back to the player if they are stuck and too far away.

  • Controller sensitivity is higher. A separate slider for Controller sensitivity is coming soon.


  • Social logos were removed and replaced with text to avoid trademark infringement.


  • 1-1: Fixed typo when Panthera talks with the player for the first time in their cell.

  • 1-4: Fixed lighting issues in Elevator

  • Fixed Camera Bobbing taking Y velocity into account, making for example the camera bob when moving upwards in the 1-4 elevator

  • Fixed Dynamic FOV being turned off at launch no matter if the “Dynamic FOV” setting is enabled.

  • Fixed the material of footstep sounds not changing back to ground material if nudging into a prop or object with a different material than the ground.

  • Fixed health points not displaying properly when having upgrades on until the player got damaged.

  • Prevented players from taking damage shortly after respawning, which can occur when a player gets hit by a bullet shortly during or after respawning.

  • Fixed the Crosshair pickup indicator not disappearing when tapping a keycard into a Keycard Reader.

  • Fixed not being able to properly exit the rebind menu with the Escape key while the game is paused, causing the rebind UI to be open even when the game is unpaused.

  • Fixed motion blur toggle being oddly positioned in the Pause menu’s settings.

  • Fixed being unable to interact with the Main Menu using a controller until a button is highlighted by clicking it with the mouse.

  • (Hopefully) fixed issues involving Fullscreen and Resolution settings.


  • Due to changes in how save files are encrypted, older save files will be incompatible with future game versions. This means that if you’ve played older versions of JKR before, you’ll have to start from scratch. This should hopefully not occur from now on, as this change was to allow for proper Steam Cloud support in the future.

  • Some may experience performance issues on 2-3. This is mainly due to it being a larger level and potential audio/lighting optimization issues. We’ve tried to and are still trying to optimize the game as much as possible, so let us know if you run into any issues!

  • Playing the game with a Switch Pro controller may lead to issues controlling the player's character. This is seemingly an issue with the Unity Input System, and sadly out of our control.

  • Playing the game with a Dualshock 4 controller connected may lead to issues involving controlling the game with the Keyboard. This is also seemingly an issue with the Unity Input System, which is out of our control.

Changelog formatting is partly based on Keep a Changelog ( Version numbers are formatted as such…


    • Major releases usually include extensive visual & technological additions, like new campaign chapters and/or major new features, or overhauls of significant systems that might invalidate older game versions, such as save files.

    • Minor releases include visual & technological additions and changes that are significant but likely do not include anything that may invalidate older versions of the game.

    • Hotfix releases mostly include quality-of-life changes or fixes to other bugs and issues.



Next up

🥳WE’RE ₛₜᵢₗₗ ALIVE! - V. 2.3.0, JKR for Charity, and Project T-1000

Read more below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity

Yo yo yo! 😀

We’ve had a productive June, and we’re coming at you with many QoL features and changes. Keep reading for more deets! 🙂

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle

👋Happy Friday, ya scallywags! Today we’ll be talking about NEW STEALTH FEATURES, as well as a lil CHARITY EVENT we’re running, and about our TWITCH DEV STREAMS!

I'm studying game development at the University of Skövde next month! 🥳

I won't be as active with I.M.I.Self, but I'll keep working whenever I find time. I'm determined to get JKR Early Access and T-1000 demo out by Dec/Jan.

Hope you all understand! :D

Hey there! Despite Steam Next Fest, we’ve still kept busy bug fixing and making adjustments to Just Keep Running, and that’s what this update is all about! :D

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle


And in celebration, we are hosting a showcase of Just Keep Running 24/7 for the next 7 days!

#steamnextfest #steam #puzzleplatformer #parkour #platformer


Jokes aside, thank you so much for the wait! While we are busy rewriting, we’re back to actively working on the game, and this small lil update is proof! :D

#update #jkr #devlog

We’re back! And we’ve got an update for you 🎉

More upgrades, dyslexia-friendly fonts, and other small but cool additions, that’s what this is all about!

Read more about it below...

2.3.0 IS OUT NOW! 🥳🎉

We’re starting to add Stealth mechanics, QoL changes, and tweaks to levels to make it easier for the baby birds dipping their feet into the game! 😀

Read more below...

🧑‍🍳We're Back in The Kitchen: New Update, and Charity!

More down below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity