JadeCon™: JadeJohnson Industries Gaming-News, Music, Development-Tutorials, Animations, Film, TV, And Tons Of Freebies
3 years ago

"JadeJohnson Games™'s Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings" — Frequently Asked Questions:


The letters in the word "STEPS" in the game-title are separated by full-stops. Is this titularly-contained word an abbreviation of some sort? If so, for what does it stand and how is it significant?


Yes, the "STEPS" in the game's title is properly written as "S.T.E.P.S.", because it is an abbreviation for the title, "Supported Training Experiences Post-Secondary", of a post-secondary (meaning "after high-school") university-or-career-transitional-education-program for individuals with special-needs who may not be (or feel) ready for the real-world after their twelfth-grade-graduation, which generally takes place during age-eighteen.

The (usually-)parentally-enrolled clients attending S.T.E.P.S., for further-education are called "students", and are withheld from receiving their high-school-diplomas until they either complete-their-goals-in or age-out-of (at twenty-two years old) the program.

On the day they don their caps and gowns, S.T.E.P.S.,-students are each given a convincing-looking, stand-in, dateless-diploma-cover, even containing an entire certificate's worth of information, solely-minus the date on which they have graduated secondary-school, as they remain under the instruction and supervision of the same school-district, up-through the day before their twenty-second birthdays, said date on which they are issued their real diplomas, finally marked with this latter date, instead of that on which they crossed-the-stage with their then-mostly-eighteen-year-old peers.


Is "Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings" the sequel to "Giga Street Fighter II: The Final Round"?


Not-quite. Although "Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings" does run on at-least fifty-percent-of the two years worth of code that went into "JadeJohnson Games™'s ‘Giga Street Fighter II: The Final Round’", the underlying-infrastructure of the game is being entirely-re-written to enable its full customization and endless-modification by players, in a manner via which every game-asset shall be entirely hot-swappable with user-generated materials, affecting their in-game appearance in real-time.


What does it mean for something to be "hot-swappable" with something-else?


"Hot-Swappable" is a term used to indicate that an electronic-device or piece-of-software can have components added, removed, or switched with other parts, even while it is in-opperation.

For example, in "Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings", this means that you can replace the character-images, level-backgrounds, and in-game-characters with ones that you've made yourself, to make the game become less of our creation, and much-more of yours!

Not only does hot-swappability mean that you can replace all of the features of the game with your own elements, but the new creation-parts you add, will both appear in-game, and, automatically receive the same code and functionality as that of the previous items as soon as they're loaded into the game, with no need by players to change any settings whatsoever!


How would you describe "Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings" in the terms of its inspiration?


The inspiration behind "Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings" can best be described as, "Nintendo®'s ‘Super Smash Brothers™’-series × Capcom®'s ‘Super Street Fighter II: Turbo’-arcade-game".

Players must compete in one-on-one martial-arts face-offs to see who is the better sport-fighter.

There will be many in-game-combatants on who's roles players can take by default, and any of them can be exchanged for custom personages made or downloaded by said users at any time. Characters will be uploadable in either the Portable-Network-Graphics (PNG) or Graphics-Interchange-Format (GIF) file-types, and the game-engine will let users remove the backgrounds from photographs of people they wish to utilize as in-game-characters (with consent of course), for easy conversion.


Why isn't a certain real S.T.E.P.S.,-student in the game?


Just like that which should always be done when wishing to include anyone's likeness in any work of media, we had to get consent (meaning "permission") from each S.T.E.P.S.,-student we wanted to include on the game's roster. It is illegal to include anyone's likeness in any form of media or other publication without their consent, including their name. Therefore, we unfortunately couldn't get everybody whom we originally-wanted to include, due to them denying us the usage-rights to their likeness in this video-game.

We hope that you can respect our legal-boundaries, and that you may discover a character as-whom you shall still enjoy playing as a replacement for anybody you were hoping to see who didn't make it in.


Why are there no S.T.E.P.S., teachers in the game?


At S.T.E.P.S., students who take a class called "Healthy Relationships", are taught that workers such as teachers, police-officers, concierges, doctors, therapists, et-cetera; are best categorized under the class of, "Helping Professionals", and that the relationship-between and conversation-involving said students and the aforementioned types of employees should contain no-more-than the material, actions, and information-at-hand for which it is the latter's respective jobs to discuss.

Because this game is being made by a team of S.T.E.P.S., age-outs who have passed "Healthy Relationships", we felt, especially during our time at school there, that it would be inappropriate to photograph our instructors for insertion into the game, as such a task would interrupt their workflows as teachers, which could put both our educations, and the overall productivity of the staff and us pupils in jeopardy.

That being said, though, we will mark the names of some of our instructors in the game's credits where such actions are due, as they did very-kindly give us some of the measurement-information for the real-world-school's interior, which we will roughly-convert into the apparent-dimensions of several of the game's stages.


Will this game easily-support The Modding Community?



For those who are unaware, "The Modding Community" is a collective-term which refers to people who like to alter the content or play-style of video-games; let-alone the construction or operation of anything that they feel should not be limited to only following its creator's, designer's, or manufacturer's default rules or specifications.

Here at "JadeJohnson Games™", we have vowed that the thirteenth-generation of PowerPoint-video-games shall not receive any budget-cuts, and to us, that means no-longer-limiting the appearances and physical-properties of the characters, levels, and menu-designs of our software-titles. So, we're finally handing our "Jaders™" all of the tools they need to design professional-looking video-games, using elegance-optimized-versions of the tools we use every-day to make interactive-digital-activities ourselves!


Will this game feature any accessibility-features for those with disabilities?


We have developed a top-class accessibility-engine that will allow our Jaders to enable or disable the description of the location of the cursor on the screen amongst one-thousand-and-six-hundred access-points, which is disabled by default, but which can be found easily on the "Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings"-‘Character Select’-screen by cursoring-to and clicking-in the lower-right-hand-corner of a sixteen-is-to-nine-aspect-ratio display, TV, or monitor, upon doing which, its activation-radius and status-change will be verbally-announced.

As for the rest of the character-select-screen's ease-of-access, it does in-fact also feature an always-on basic screen-reader that reports any clickable content currently-positioned beneath the mouse-cursor whenever the selected-item changes. Our text-to-speech-platform is an artificial-intelligence-infused vocal-reproduction-engine by "JadeJohnson Records™", called "Tales Of The Mir.AI™". It uses industry-leading phonemic-clarity-pre-gaging technology to ensure that it is always perfectly-understood by almost-any native-English-speaker.

During in-game battles, we also plan to include various types, pitches, and intensities; of actuator-based virtual-vibration-motor-effects for the deaf and hard-of-hearing that should work on any machine with decent-sound-output, which will work similar to the hardware-based approach used for the PlayStation™ 5's "DualSense™"-controller, or, much-more-accurately, the "Nintendo® Switch™"-console's "HD Rumble™"-feature found in its "Joy-Con"-remotes.

Finally, we're furthermore using Emoji-based in-game prompts, featuring only the symbols that are universal around the world, so that even folks with reading- or learning-challenges can join-in-on the fun.

We know that we can't quite account for the needs of everybody, but we do hope that our efforts shall touch and improve the lives of far-more people than we've ever reached before!


Why Does "JadeJohnson Industries™" use so-many hyphens?


Online-translation-services can better-understand the proper-word-groupings of English-text when hyphens are used to help-distinguish which words should-be said-together. We wish for our content to be-accessible-to as-many-people-as-possible, so we strive to make our textual-materials as easily-understood by as many types-of-individuals as they can be.

In-conclusion, we've just-answered the top-nine-questions you may-have-had about "JadeJohnson Games™'s Super S.T.E.P.S., Siblings", and we hope that you are just-as-excited about the game as we are!

As always, "Happy Jading!™"



Next up

The sixteen-bit iKuma SARI Slide-Show-Gaming Console was supposed to receive a Vocal-Synthesis-Support-Update before the end of its lifespan, but said feature was cancelled at the last minute, because... well... just listen to this!

Maze Maker - Official JadeJohnson Games Gameplay Showcase

Are you ready for more awesome news?!

Here it is, the Xbox Trailer no one expected.

The adventure-games are coming!

The adventure-games are coming!

Out with the old, In with the new!

Gentleladies and gentlemen, it's finally here, and its official Game Jolt page will launch in the coming weeks! It's the world's first-ever, PowerPoint Full-Motion-Video-Game-Engine, titled, "HitColour™"!

Game Jolt's player's buggy! The original's not studdery at all!


"Just a little animation that shows where I'd love to take some of my 3D-games in the future. And heck-to-the-no, definitely not O'-Six where, so you're totally safe there!"

Hoping ya'll are ready to funk right now! If you want the testers key, DM me. :D