.......Here is the official look at "Lord Crayola's" official JJS Parody Bio Poster in all of it's beloved and positive glory-ness here!!!!! And yes, Lord Crayola's the main villain of his beloved official parody spin-off show created by them minds of "PopWorks Crop Studios" themselves!!!!! WOW!!! I can't believe it's already November 19th, 2024, and Thanksgiving Day of 2024's almost here!!!! And again, with the background!!! Is it again for some password or something??? Well, we'll never know I guess!!!!
(Zwljphs Tlzzhnl myvt Svyk Jyhfvsh: Zalw Vul, Jvbua aol Khyr Thnluah Spulz, Zalw Adv, Jvbua aol Ylk Spulz, Zalw Aoyll, Jvbua aolt Vyhunl Spulz, Zalw Mvby, jvbua aol nyllu spul, huk aolu aol ishjr spul, huk mpuhssf, ZALW MPCL, Jvbua aol wbywsl spulz!!! Mvssvd lhjo vm aolt zalwz huk aol whzzjvkl mvy tf wypchal whyvfk zljbypaf yvvt vwluz mvy fvb!!! Fvb'yl avahssf nvpun av ullk pa!!!!)
So yea guys, sorry if I have to cut this short because there's only like a few weeks left until #DecemberOf2024 hits our official calendars here!!!!! And yes!!! Let me know what you all think about these amazing parody-like creations that I'm making here, so far folks!!!!! And yes!!! Another official error was made from Mr. Crayola's parody bio poster!!!! All of the official copyrighted stuff and whatnot was nowhere to be found!!!! These of course, will soon be made for some more future parody-like creations like that one!!!! Thankfully, the copyrighted words and stuff were added inside of Lord Crayola's official parody bio poster here!!!!! Anyways, I'll see you all in them next future updates!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #LordCrayolasKindOfA....... #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!! #210YearsOfJJSBaby!!!!!