7 months ago


Say "hello" to my little friend...

OC Venus

So, fellas, with Joltober I'm tryin' to introduce some characters from my cartoon series called HeckSoul. This lil' girl is supposed to be one of the girls who pick on my character SoulBlind.

Meet Venus!! She's not much of a talker and prefers to keep to herself doin' her devilish things, but she manages to be cute at the same time.

(SB says: DUDE??? CU-T... URRRGH... GROSS, MAN... She's devil! ydk how i'm feel about her ... afraid? Often wanting not to run into her and the two other girls? This make me sick, bro. )

----------PREVIOUS CONTENT------------

DAY 1 - DAY 11 - DAY 21 - DAY 31

DAY 2 - DAY 12 - DAY 22

DAY 3 - DAY 13 - DAY 23

DAY 4 - DAY 14 - DAY 24

DAY 5 - DAY 15 - DAY 25

DAY 6 - DAY 16 - DAY 26

DAY 7 - DAY 17 - DAY 27

DAY 8 - DAY 18 - DAY 28

DAY 9 - DAY 19 - DAY 29

DAY 10 - DAY 20 - DAY 30

#Joltober2023 #Joltober #DundlerKraken #dundlerkraken #HeckSoul #hecksoul #cartoon #toony #toon #cartoonsyle #halloween #Halloween #oc #ocs #originalcharacter #venus #flower #venusflytrap #doodle #doodles #VenusHS #digitalartist #smallartist #digitalart #art #digitalillustration #digitalartwork #digitaldrawing #originalproject #poison

Seee yaaa folks!!

Tomorrow, another Joltober's Art!!



Next up

I take so long to do this drawing.... I know.... But I get exhausted very easily in these days. But I'm fine !

I really feel a bit unmotivated sometimes to continue and I've to force myself sometimes to finish these drawings.

Yeah.... Hard..

Welp, I've kind of disappeared around here, but I still take part in a few events

I really like the first movies, but unfortunately I'm a bit old for the new ones 'cause they don't seem to have the same affection. But if you like 'em, that's fine

I'm not dead, okay? But your partner here is havin' a bit of trouble gettin' the drawing done, but it'll be in hand soon!

I also want to practice poses and lines of movement so that it becomes more fluid.

That's it folks , just updantin' ya!


original image

: Aseprite

Welp.... I've been away for a while and the theme is from weeks ago, but I decided to give a brief opinion on the subject. Only 'cause the subject scared me a bit and I saw friends and fellas artists really MAD!

My current reaction 'bout it.

Whispy Woods

Howdy!! More of my drawing! I'm workin' on an old drawing of mine, literally old! It was one of my first HeckSoul creations and I did the sketch and I'm impressed with the result.

And it's goin' to be a complete art. Not just a simple drawing.

I wonder.... what I'm cookin' ?

I missed drawing my little ghost. So I decided to take another old drawing and work on it with a more dynamic pose.

I reckon you'll like it!

[This post will also be on Twitter and Instagram.]


HOWDY PARTNERS!!! Gy is back!

Joint drawing with @raixeer_pt64 !!

I'm glad I did this drawing with ya!

Even though it took a while on my part, it all worked out in the end :)

I hope y'all like, pals!!