3 years ago

#JOLTober prompt 6: all time favourite

My all time favourite game is Tales of Symphonia. It's part of a series of jrpg games, it was released by Bandai Namco in 2004 on the GameCube. I love this game mostly because I played it with my sibling and it is a great memory. The first time we beat this game we had accumulated 120 hours of playtime.

Now for the art:

Oh boy, this one was a challenge for me. Trying to combine aspects of the anime, in-game character art, and my own style was a doozy! I think it was overall fairly successful ? I'm sure that parts of the 3/4 perspective are probably a little off but I'm pleased with my efforts overall. Fan art is also a new territory for me and I definitely wouldn't have made this if not for #JOLTober!

Created in Illustrator



Next up

OG 3D goggles

It's been a minute, I got covid and was out of commission. 😷

Thank you to everyone that sent me well-wishes! I'm feeling much better now πŸ˜€ so back to our regularly scheduled program!

n o s t a l g i a

l o t u s

second image: reference image used

I tried to find the source to give credit to the photographer but all I found was some fake Nintendo game selling for $304 on Amazon.

my friendly neighbour; a gift for a dear friend

πŸ‘‘ πŸ‘

Based on some pixel art I made for the β€œfashion” prompt of JOLTober where I reimagined Princess Peach in different eras of European history.

See second image for the original art.

I think my favourite is the 1520-1540 Princess Peach.

I used to be really interested in 35mm photography. I have a small film camera collection with the oldest one being from the 1930s.

s a i l o r c a t s

The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!

Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!

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