Hi guys!
I just thought I would let you all know that I am on vacation all of next week and so I will have plenty of time to work on UPPERTALE.
My target release date is saturday, the 20th of February.
I have chosen this date because the day after is my birthday, and I would love to watch some let’s plays on my birthday! So please, if you want to record some let’s plays of the game or suggest to some youtubers to play it, I would love that! It would make my birthday really special! :)
Also, just to let you all know, I have 4 different endings planned for the game.
Pacifist Ending
Neutral Ending
‘Genocide’ Ending
I might add more, however, but no promises!
The story of the game is a very interesting concept to me and I think you will all surely like it! It may seem rather short (maybe 30-40 minutes for each run depending on your skill) but if you attempt to get every single ending I am sure it will last a few hours!
However, just a little tip: I recommend you do genocide as your last run.
Otherwise, you’re gonna have a bad time!
Also, if you have not played UNDERTALE yourself, I highly recommend you do!
You will most likely have some trouble with a few of the battles in the game if you don’t.
Even if you have watched it all, you should atleast play the demo and get a feel for how it works.
Alright, that’s all for now! Thank you all for the support! ^-^