4 years ago

Kitty now on Game Jolt too
#kitty #consoleapp #freesoftware #utilities

Kitty is a small console utility which can be used to view sources on the console in full syntax highlight. I planned it to be published on Game Jolt soon, and well, here it is. Please note Kitty is one of those utilities that is "never finished", things can always be improved and new functionality can always be added.

Kitty supports many programming languages, including but not limited to: C, C++, C#, Pascal, BASIC, BlitzBasic, BlitzMax, Lua, Visual Basic. And it has also support for two esolangs (BrainFuck and WhiteSpace). It should also support the basic configuration format.

The name "Kitty" was a pun to the tool "cat" which is in Unix (or systems based on Unix) the command to quickly create and view basic text files. Now "cat" is short for "concat", but it was just nice to make a pun on it.

Kitty is free, and uses the .NET framework. Although not tested, Kitty should work fine in Mono, allowing Unix/Linux users to use it fine (I recommend against Wine, as Wine will not take up the colors Kitty outputs voiding the entire syntax highlight effect).

Below a screenshot in which Kitty shows part of its own source code:


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