XAR.18 Rated Games

4 months ago

Lament Legacy has been rated XAR.18.Horror.Violence.

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Lament Legacy is a horror game developed by @Solar-Neon and others.

It was given the age rating of XAR.18 for strong horror, strong violence.


Lament Legacy is a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame, so it is a horror game, but the horror is more extreme in this case.

LL seems to take place in the player's mind, which seems like an old dusty factory that looks very realistic.
It's aesthetic is very dark, bizarre and inconsistent, creating a distortive image that feels uncomfortable.

It contains Mario characters as the enemies, trying to get to the player in order to kill them, cartoon characters in a more realistic and darker enviroment.

The designs of each one is very messed up, showing unhuman body parts, weapons, missing or misproportioned limbs, real looking body parts mixed with cartoon characters, you name it.

It contains jumpscares and loud noises that can scare the player.


Nothing here!


Nothing here!

  • SEX:

Nothing here!


Violence in this game is like no other, using a lot of methods of heavy torture.

The game uses shotguns and bullets for a way to defend the players versus the enemies, which show pain when doing so.
It also shows the way of crafting bullets which is not ok for a younger audience.

The enemies also do show violence through punches, computer viruses or the use of other weapons and, even when the player dies, it shows its head blown by the shot of a real shotgun as well as showing real blood and a bit of their skull.
The enemies themselves also seem to have missed body parts, or more artificial limbs.

The game also uses mentions of suicide and the story occurs in the mind of someone who isn't alive, almost psychological.

The violence is a bit too gore-y and realistic by the use of real life weapons, while entities show actual pain and have designs that may indiciate torture.


Nothing here!

  • DRUGS:

Nothing here!


There are no in-app purchases in this game.


There is no online play in this game.

What do you guys think? :)

  • XAR



Next up

Last Night At Bonnie has been rated XAR.12.Horror.Violence.

Five Nights At Pikachu's: Rebooted has been rated XAR.7.Horror.Violence.

Want to get your game rated? Send your game in the comments and we will publish the rating soon!

Another Small Update

Five Nights At Nintendo Land 2 has been rated XAR.16.Horror.Violence.

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!

Collaboration between XAR and @EpicTagey_Games has started.

More age ratings soon!


The massive Five Nights at Wario's Direct will premiere this monday!! More info in the image attached <3 Spread the word!