Super Mario Bros Lethal Impact

4 months ago

Lethal impact full color palette(NES color palette)



Next up

an unused cover for a random fangame

Lethal Impact be like

Me rn playing smb2 cuz idk what to draw

playin around with some things of the worldmap

My intention drawing this: add it to SMB3 Unbrotherhood

me after hours of drawing creating a new fangame called lethal impact just cuz i liked a pixel art:

non pixel art infected luigi concept art

im gonna be a bit inactive with lethal and Anima Messorem cuz i will be givin a hand to another projects as an artist or developer, if ya are interest, follow the devlog, so you will know when i realease new things

Heya im back with Lethal Impact(Finally not busy), im gonna finish the tilesets and start with the toad brigade cutscenes, a stable ver of the game will be finished before march 2, i am hiding something for the ice level, trust me, you'll like it.

Infected Luigi SMB Deluxe color palette, he tried to stop the corrupted star but he was defeated.

to make fun of him, the star decided to mark Luigi's chest, also putting some of his "roots" on top of him, to prove that he was now just his puppet

just a practice, will be improved later

All the characters have new powerup animations(Mario,Toadette,Captain Toad and)

this was shown in the level 1-1 and level 1-2 gameplay)