27 days ago




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Hello. Our team has officially collab with Undertale morality! more information about the collab is in the article.

Hey guys like my sans sprite? Comment down below what you think.

Hello, if you couldn't tell we are in need of coders that can help out with our undertale fangame DustSwap Darkless's Take. If you want to apply click this link: https://forms.gle/A9FsGUBxFnqe94h18.

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0: Starlight Isles Coming January 20 @ 3:30 PM EST

Thank you for the gifts @Strange_Gamer

Dev Update - December 2023

Hello we are looking for Musicians to apply for our fangame. So Click https://forms.gle/kJxa56HRU5B74tC97 If you are willing to apply for the team.

Thanks to @Tomytoons for giving me this roblox sticker pack! This means I've been gifted 5 gifts from people so far! Make sure to follow @Tomytoons by the way.

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

Thanks from @ZPI @Tomytoons @VortexSans65 for giving me sticker packs!!!! Go and make sure to follow them all.