6 days ago

made this cause way not

full thing with cutscenes here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1033554737/

1 comment


Next up

Big News!

Men Manics Early Access with be dropping this Friday or Saturday

what to expect in article

look at him go

The game posted (right on time)

Remember to double click the browser to play

also collison are bugging ill fix that later

Controls Arrow Keys POILKJ for Pepe

Controls WASD 123FRG for Knucks

NIKUSA SPRITES ARE FINALLY DONE, THANK YOU FOR WORKING WITH ME @EbolaHorny @Tenzubushi and @Mashprotato GO FOLLOW THEM! #fnf #fnfentity

she pumpin it fr

Week 3 but my pixel style

Street Fighters and MLG failed abortion AKA Meme Maniacs is in development! Enjoy this Meme game based on the gameplay of Street Fighter 2 from the comfort of your own browser.

He Be Steppin fr

Guys... I think I'm getting fired...

Flick attac