13 days ago

Made this last night.



Next up

Working on something!

Gn everybody

[I didn't even put Mister Miseryguts in her description lol]

We’re finally heading home after a long trip…

And I think I’m now addicted to energy drinks.

Happy Gay Pride Month! Shout out to my gay besties! Looking at you: @Hals-Homo-Jolt , @GemOnGJ , @FeuxHBFox

A WIP attempt at making a certain underground monster from my favorite movie series more human looking!

[Bonus points for you if you guess what it is]

Another OC.

It's called Craton.

Sorry if you hate this kind of character, I guess.

Working on something special for tomorrow!

I’m currently somewhere in Ohio while our bus driver is taking a break. I drew an old friend from summer camp earlier!

this is my mcu (mermaid cinematic universe) based on norse mythology

I did not have a good day yesterday.