Acre Shore

4 years ago

Meet the cast (so far)!



Next up

Happy Spooky Month!

We added a kitty!

"There are trees here... but we're still in the building. I think I recognise these woods..."


Screenshot Saturday!

Going Down, psychological horror RPG about difficult choices and memories best forgotten on an elevator ride.

How are babies made? Well, I don't know! but I do know how my characters are made. First, they start as sketches like these! (also, sneaky peek at some new characters)

It's time to get serious about development! And I need your support

My new narrative file format is working wonderfully! This is a massive step forward! (also, please do enjoy the sketch in place of final artwork- I've learned to leave the polished art for later in the name of progress)

Meet Pete!

The local baker, a watering hole regular, and your personal guide around Acre Shore. No, he doesn't know what's going on either... right?

Meet Lily!

Sweet, kind, always there for everyone. What she lacks in eyesight, she makes up for in heart.

Pity she lives in Acre Shore... Surely she deserves better.

Loading and reading scripts now works! This means, not only will it be much easier for me to make episodes, but there is now a very real possibility of player-made episodes!

"All of it... amounts to this..."

We've been quiet but busy. Time for an update!