Team Eccentric! Undertale Green
4 years ago

Mini-Devlog: May 2020- "May" needs some more help.

Hello, and welcome back to this devlog in the Month of May. I'm afraid to say not much progress has been made lately, as always these are uncertain times, but we do have one thing to talk about this month (and I assure you we will have more for next month).

Our First Area Name

We've realised we haven't explained much about what TE! UTG will have in store area wise yet at all, not even the first area's name. But no longer! Since we cannot show much else at the moment, we'd like to reveal the name of the first area Jade will have to brave through on their journey:

The True Ruins.

The True Ruins are not just the outer ruins you see Toriel caretaking for and Frisk adventuring through, but the inner depth of the city of Home. They are filled with the history of the city, and those which wish to keep that history intact.

You might have expected a flashier title but the True Ruins works perfectly for its function (and seeing how hard it is to name a good Ruins area like the Dark Ruins or Quiet Ruins, it's a good pick). Anyways, we will hopefully bring more news from this new sector of the Ruins, at least I hope that will be true...

Spriters Wanted

Despite still needing more composers on board TE! UTG's development, we have at least gotten on great new member in the form of Gyrfalcon. However, we are still searching for more (to little success so far) so the position is still open if you, or someone you know, want to help us out. But the main matter is still spriters. We need some more spriters to make all the assets for TE! UTG and be good new members to the team. If your interested in helping out, please come onto the discord server or comment on here if just to ask a question about the topic. Or just join or comment for whatever questions otherwise you may have.

Team Member of the Month

For this month, one of our newest members, Gyrfalcon, claims the role as Team Member of the Month. They are our latest addition to the composing department and will hopefully help us create more of our OST. (I know it's been a while since we've actually had any new tracks, but we're getting there).


As you can see TE! UTG isn't going as fast as would be hoped. But hopefully, as it always seems to be, we have out slow moments and then we speed up again. Hopefully sooner than later, we can give you more content to get excited about. Especially in times like these, where all is uncertain. Nevertheless, keep showing kindness and stay determined!




Next up

Team Eccentric! Undertale Green.


The Nationally Approved Undertale fangame of Greenland.

September 2021 - At The Horizon

Yep, We're Back!

September 2019- Early Days

A sneak at the beginning.

November 2019- Slow and Fast

October 2019- Progress

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

Cash Banooca

2d lighting experiment