Star Story
9 years ago

Monthly Update 16.01.30 + Release 16.01.30

Monthly update


The first month of 2016 is almost over, and a lot has been done in that time.
I suspended the development in december 2015 because I had exhausted myself. Now in 2016 I had full energy again and I worked out two complete dungeons. That does not seem to be much, but reconsider, I have to do all artwork and designing around it, myself. I also had to take care of a lot of issues along the way, not to mention that I got myself a few extra duties outside game development, and unfortunately they have to take priority. As we always say in Dutch “Plicht komt voor het meisje” (Duty comes before the girl), so I suppose you understand I have less time now to work on the game every week.

The story has come to a point where I must be very careful what I reveal or not as the story has come to a point where important revelations are done. Revealing anything now will thus risk some “SPOILERS”. What I can reveal though is that the Astrilopups are one of the most important enemies in the game, and you’re going to “visit” them on their own planet. Of course you won’t see that in the demo, but I hope this triggered your interest for the full version of the game, once it’s done.

I cannot make any promises or even ETAs when the game will be fully finished, because there are too many unpridictable factors influencing the time I can work on the game, but things are on the move, which is worth something, eh?

Demo Release


The first demo release was done in 15 nov 2015. There were many smaller updates in the meantime, but this release counts as a kind of “milestone”. The changelog below, lists all the most important stuff that has happened in the meantime. I’ve only noted the stuff that actually affects the demo. Stuff only affecting the full game is therefore NOT taken up in this list.

Then there are also a few known issues affecting this demo build, however some of them are not yet possible to fix and others are hard to fix now, but can be easier to fix later.

And that sums it all up for now.
If you find any more bugs or other issues you think I don’t know about, please post them on my issue tracker



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Alpha status

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