3 days ago

More researches for the illustration with the creature and its guardian o/



Next up

Still working on our little mascot!

I should be able to post him tomorrow or on Tuesday 👀

Still working on the 3K mascot 👀

I took your ideas and tried to make a nice little mix ✨

She’s so cute I love her 🥺

(again, card for the game "Oyez-Oyez!")

Background by Yokomadame https://www.instagram.com/yokomadame?igsh=Y28yYjhzcHU4MWRl


I started the design for the mascot we’re creating together to celebrate the 3K followers and we’re ALREADY at 3100???

Thank you guys 🥺💫💛

(Also I just realized that the mascot will have the non-binary flag colors ahah :’) )

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

I drew myself and my friends o/

It’s actually for our association (https://www.instagram.com/breson_fanzine?igsh=MXQ2dGY3MzR3eXEwYQ…) because some people used a weird video frame of me to illustrate our association for an event and god it was not very flattering Q-Q


Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

Some more images for a game I worked on

The backgrounds are made by Yokomadame (her insta: https://www.instagram.com/yokomadame?igsh=Y28yYjhzcHU4MWRl )