1 month ago

My next out of time oc

Time Patroller - Artemisia

Thank you @ninesoulssea for the name

Chapter 1 - Backstory
She was the daughter to a famous Volcanologist in her timeline, who taught her to never kill and to not be afraid to ask for help. The Volcanologist came across special gems within the volcanos which give the user the power to turn their body into lava. The volcanologist would only use them for her study however as she didn't like to fight. Eventually, after a group of bandits found out about the gems, they broke into her house to steal them. When they couldn't find the gems they took Artemisia instead and used her to bait out the Volcanologist. However Artemisia was able to escape, and without the bandits noticing, she grabbed a gun which lay nearby and aimed it at one of the bandit's heads. In her original timeline, she shot the bandit and escaped without further conflict. But because of the actions of a time thief much earlier on, a butterfly effect took place causing her to think of her mother and not shoot the bandit, instead running out of the building as fast as she could. However she was stopped in her tracks by the smell of burning, her mother had come to get her. Artemisia ran back to the building to let her know she was okay but it was no use, because of a combination of special water, which would turn lava into stone and the volcanologist's rusty fighting, Artemisia returned to find her mum on the verge of defeat. Upon seeing her daughter, the Volcanologist dashed to her, encasing her in a wall of lava once the bandits shot water at her. Her plan was that the lava would turn to stone and protect her daughter from the bandits, but it only hit the volcanologist, killing her, while her daughter would be suffocated by lava. Fortunately a time patroller sent to the timeline to reset it came across Artemisia and took her back to the time patrol to be healed by their scientist. Having to work fast, the scientist, who enjoyed creating enhanced humans, decided the best course of action would be to turn her entire body to lava, making her immune to the burning and lava. Luckily she wouldn't mind as it reminded her of her mother but as a result of how her mother died, she blames herself for her death, and now adopts a kill or be killed like attitude.

Always believing her mum could've been a superhero, she decided to join the time patrol. She quickly joined a team of 2 where she met Jack, and his mentor Hera. Hero also had a kill or be killed attitude since reseting brings back anyone killed in a timeline. "These people's lives are repearable, ours aren't." Artemisia's main goal was to improve her ability to control her lava body, so her and her new mentor would spend alot of time training. This was until one day, on an extremely dangerous mission, the mentor died in combat leaving Artemisia and Jack in a team of two. usually this wouldn't be a problem but the team was planning to join the time patrol's Tournament of time, which required teams of either atleast 1 mentor and 1 teamate, or no mentors and 3 teamates. The prize for winning was a ticket to any mission they desired, the most desired missions are either extremely high leveled, extremely high in demand or taken by people with special privileges. Artemisia wanted to find a timeline where she could find a way to improve her control over her body, so the hunter for another teammate began, which is how we find her at the start of out of time.

Chapter 2 - Powers
From the start of her journey she was able to manipulate her lava body and shoot deadly projectiles of it from her body. Eventually, [unknowingly through chronos] she would be able to control the ground below her and the ability to turn it to into lava. Through this, her main attack would be to gather many parts of the ground to form a massive meteor in the sky, which could melt to lava, drop on her opponents, split into multiple meteors or all of the above. Because of her lava body, she would be able to regenerate from any damage eventually unless she was completely atomised. She would eventually gain the Delta Chronos form

Possible romance with mc but Idk how to write those and it doesnt come up till the finale sooooo



Next up

One bad day is all it takes

Also no art today

Right hand of the Time Thieves - Absolom

The last character I have to draw from Out of Time and one of the last antagonists the crew has to fight.

The Scar was an injury he got as a baby from a Time Patroller

Void Sans, Pepper and Hollow from my Out of Time Series

These are based off of ocs of some of my old friends and are otherwise unrelated to the original ocs

The links to the owners will be below.

Sonic Dreamscape

>>College Assignment<<

-Made Via Ibispaint n Photoshop

Time Thief Founder - Jailbreaker

(No name yet so any suggestions would be greatly appriciated)

The first villian of Out of Time I created after the ones from the animation series

atlas : ) commission

Anni Overseer of Gamejolt in my Out of Time Series

This character is based off of an old friend of mine's oc


Check them out if you haven't already.

Null Wielder - Bartender Xeon

Thank you @eexes for the name

Works at the Time Patrol as a Bartender, waiting for the next generation to save the multiverse

Just got finished with copic markers and it changed me.


One of my ocs i definitely dont draw enough, ALSO TYSM FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!!”! ( the last slides a little old but i still love it )

Time Thief - Poryphera

Just like the Time Patrol has a scientist who specialises in human modification, so too do the Time Thieves.

Thanks @Exeltiorr for the name