2 years ago

My Stop motion Christmas animation

Done in 2 days for school

#stopmotion #school #christmas

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You're a real one if you played this before it became lost media

OMG Super Mario Bros CD is so much fun

there's only like 5 levels or smth but i've been replaying them over and over

I can't take him seriously with that photo bro you cannot convince me that he doesn't know damn well that he looks like a supervillian


Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

The Dimitri Chronicles #1

Staying at my mom's place for the weekend, along with objectively the best girl Penny!

Drew Klaus playing with her for the occasion :3

one of these videos is not like the other

We've all had that one sub

#Dimitri #comics

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

Move over Sonic CD