Another late stuff : an ugly gif, badly compressed, of infamous DEATHMETALSLUG jam entry !
I know everyone loves ugly gameplay small animations, so here it comes, in case you didn’t tried the game or hadn’t a chance to see what it looked like until now. You see? there is blood, and destruction, and tiny guys killing each others. Sounds fun no ? Come on, I know this gif horror makes you horny, give it a try now :)
I hope the next ugly gameplay animation will be made under a less ugly game version.

HA and if you is ever convinced by this incredible unholy mediatic strike :
1 If you are not under windows, sorry it won’t work :( you rather watch this gif until you eyes bleed than try to struggle with gamejolt URL version : it is just a java launcher of the executable, sorry for those who had the guts to avoid MS.
2 Even if you’re in love with MS you better download the game rather than have trouble with java. Quickplay works… if java version is exactly the same gamejolt expects (I think 7.51. ; 8 .xx will not work, nor under 7.51). Itch or gamejolt’s executable works 100%. (just tell me if it sucks)
3 No really leave java aside. I’ll be very long to load even if you’re ok with versions… Why did i put a shitty java version in url ? because i could, and i am someone annoying. If you persist,have a black screen but no java error, it’s loading.Nothing will happen until everything is loaded.This sucks.
4 Thanks to those who already gave good comments, and enjoyed it, this is heart reviving :)
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