-The Changes-
For starters, the design of Benji (the green bear in the photo) has gone through some new changes. making gathering design more withered and decaying than before, making it look like the animatronic has been out of order for years. More designs for new and older characters are already in the works, so I’ll keep you updated on that type of stuff. Also one more thing to mention, instead of the game being called “Benjis: backyard buddies.” It will be called “Oblivious” instead, to fit the mood of the game
Everest is a showcase event hosted by @Natertaterp0tat0 and @TurtleBoard . I was fortunate enough to be apart of the roster of participants in the event, so in the showcase expect a trailer from me. The YouTube channel’s of Nater, Turtle, and the Everest event will be listed below.
It’s official, the game page is coming some time next month on the 10th due to the end of the school year and what not, so keep an eye out for that. Alongside that is the official Oblivious YouTube channel coming later this week. I will keep you updated on those two things, along with everything else.
That’s about everything as of now. Links and stuff are listed below the text. Have a good day
The links:
Everest: https://youtube.com/@everestreal
Natertaterp0tat0: https://youtube.com/@natertaterp0tat032
TurtleBoard: https://youtube.com/@isaacmancool