2 months ago

Non potes effugere manum daemonis, infernus aeternus est.


Lies you swim in, wrongs you belive in, the end is nowhere near, you have already faced the infernum nothing diffrent lays infront



Next up

Evil tvin of @Valischli cuz why not

Here's my oc DUST

What do you guys think about this?

atlas : ) commission

Drawing i did of Faust and Xander <33

Dust, a man broken out of recognition

Out of hope and out of time the only thing he is, he is desperate for an escape to further him away from the edge


The infection sets in, it cralws thru the valley, horror is what lurks behind our eyes, terror what stands unfront of us

Finished the drawing!

Whooo what's gonna come out of this w.i.p. that im gonna finish (fr this time) (no I mean it)