Chicken Tech Inc Revised

3 months ago

Not spoiling too much, but the game will have similar endings like the original one, but the way in which they are achieved will be different.

(Read Article for More)

Although I like the wackiness of Chicken Tech Inc.'s endings, the one issue I had with was how you get most of them.

Some of the endings were a bit tedious to get due to how random the elevator can be, making it feel as though you've wasted a lot of time just to find the one room.

To combat this issue, I've decided to add a keypad to the elevator, allowing you to enter the room number and go straight to the desired room while still keeping the randomness of the elevator if you enter nothing!

That's all I can say, for now (unless something happens). I'll see you all on the flip side!


Also, game no longer 2D if I hadn't mentioned it already :]



Next up

Character dialog test

(plus Chicken voice lines!)

Gotta love it when the elevator lets you go to any room you enter, but it won't accept the number one

Scratch 4.0, Projected to released in 2025!

Just as a heads up: I won't be spending as much time on the project as I need to focus on some IRL stuff that's more important.

Pumpkin.. Bleh I'm tired, its 2AM..

Some wacky shenanigans with Godot.

Halloween Day 16.
