Nuggets Will Figure It Out
11 years ago

Nuggets Gets a Facelift


Nuggets is getting an upgrade.

  1. A little bit more nicer… (changed some sprites and added some cooler stuff)

  2. Boss battles - Just so you know, I initially was going to have Nuggets clear rooms. But I thought it would make the game a bit more interesting to have him deal with Muerte Mariachi’s minions and just get through his series of challenging rooms.

  3. Scoreboards - I am a hard core gamer… from way back when. Its why I created Nuggets. I feel like I should try revive those (strange/mysterious) guys who spent all day and all night figuring out that the mario game had secret blocks that contained extra lives… and all that (Nuggets may or may not have those..:P) and just call out to those die-hard… button-mashing… rage-gamers that didn’t have checkpoints, in-game tutorials… etc. But TO RECOGNIZE THEIR SKILL… a scoreboard will be on the game (scores calculated based on daimonds collected… least deaths/perfect gameplay and of course… how many rooms covered)

Won’t say too much now but you can take a sneak peak at Nuggets Vs Carlito… this stage is hard as hell :(



Next up

Devlog 2023.12 - Downgrading To Godot 3.5 (and other important updates)(Video)

Devlog 2023.9 - Level Design Changes / Alt Weapons / Status Effects / Boss Battle Prep

**updated prototype** Nuggets Will Figure It Out

Devlog 2023.8 - Stage Room "Enhancements" + Pickups Intro

Devlog 2023.7 - Enemies Part 2-ish and Level Re-design

Devlog 2023.11 - Upgrading To Godot 4

Devlog 2023.5 - Stage Map / Minimap

What could this possibly be?

All of the lights

Devlog 2023.10 - Code Refactoring For Regular Stages / Boss Stages